I swore I would not mention the Cornell West thing. All I did was label him an idiot, employing my favorite fallacy, the ad hominem, to instead sum up my argument . This is in part out of contempt, but mostly sheer laziness. Although, I am not sure if it is an ad hominem if someone realy is a bleeding idiot and you correctly identify them as such. When little kids call an apple an apple, we get excited. Is there really much of a difference? Plus, I downloaded about 30 seconds of the streaming nonsense from West and was thrown into convulsions. Fortunately, the web is full of individuals far less lazy than I am, and some are even paid to write nasty things about people. Rod Dreher qualifies on both counts. Check out this morsel, then read the rest for yourself:
From the disc’s opening lines, you know you’re in the presence of something unusually bad, but it takes a minute or two for the full scope of its Shatnerian shlockiness to make itself known. If you’re like me, then by track four, sticky gobbets of schadenfreude will be coming out your nose and dribbling down your chin. And you’re only halfway done!
At least West’s website has more typo’s and misspelled words than the Corner.