In between snarls and streams of spittle, Justin Raimondo states (shouts?? Oozes?):
Oh yes, we must be sure to keep up our relentless Full-Bore-Fact-Check on the Saudis – but never the Israelis. That is one of the cardinal rules of warblogging: never the Israelis. As His Majesty, King Andrew, recently announced: Israel must be supported “unequivocally” – i.e. no matter what horrors are carried out by Ariel Sharon and his nutball rightwing followers.
I guess I am guilty of fact checking only the Arabs- maybe it is the track record of misogyny, outdated theocratic and autocratic rule, perpetual human rights abuses, vile anti-semitism, the cozy support of former and current Marxist regimes, and the justification of terrorism and outright murder of innocent Jews that caught my attention.
At any rate, why fact check the Israelis? After all, the Jews control the media. The Holocaust never happened, etc.
The whole article just annoyed me. Attacking Glenn Reynolds, Ken Layne, Sgt.Stryker, and Andrew Sullivan, tarring them as racist and vile arab haters, without paying the slightest attention to what they actually say, just irks me. Back in your hole, Justin. And I agree with Matt Welch. Justin is creepy looking.