I have not seen this covered any where else, but along with the fruity former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, one of the point men in the legal maneuvering regarding the Cuban detainees is Stephen Yagman. Among Mr. Yagman’s other accomplishments are:
– Filing a lawsuit against the LAPD, claiming an armed bank robber was allowed to’ bleed to death.’ You remember this one. This is the one that looked like scenes from Heat.
– He also was involved in flaming racial tensions in a police brutality case that was also very high-profile. This was the one, if you remember, in which all of the aliens jumped from a car and fled. Some were apprehended and beaten, although I do not recall what the outcome was.
– He has been involved in the prosecution of a federal sniper from the infamous Ruby Ridge episode.
– Also noted here in a column by Jack Dunphy in NRO.
– He is also very involved with the RICO charges brought against LAPD.
– His website is http://yagmanlaw.net
Come to your own conclusions about this guy. I think he is just out to be his normal obnoxious self and is just trying to get his name in the headlines again. But then again, if hating lawyers was a crime, a lot of us would be behind bars (except we love one lawyer).