While Hillary is being lionized this weekend in The Washington Post this week-end, Robert Novak points out some other behavior that seems a little bit more typical:
The veteran Republican Sen. Pete Domenici of New Mexico had no sooner begun reading his opening statement at Thursday’s Senate Budget Committee meeting than 80-year-old Sen. Ernest (Fritz) Hollings of South Carolina erupted in loud guffaws.
Hollings was reacting to Domenici’s defense of President Bush’s economic policy, including tax cuts. Hollings was joined in derisive laughter by at least two other Democratic senators: first-termers Hillary Clinton of New York and Deborah Stabenow of Michigan.
Domenici, a former Budget Committee chairman, interrupted his statement to say that he was not aware he was telling jokes. The Democratic senators subsided but did not apologize.
You can buy a New York election, but you just can’t buy class.