Apparently the Porn War going on between the folks at Libertarian Samizdata and Kevin Holtsberry at Ideas, Etc. is in full fledge. I originally thought it was just a cheap attempt to troll for hits (although Britney Spears XXX LIVE NUDE BREASTS uncovered added to every post might be easier), but it appears there is a substantive debate going on. I read some of it, then got bored. I had only two thoughts:
1.) Thank goodness there are women who look like Natalija that are in favor of (or at least not overtly against) porn.
2.) If porn bothers you so much, don’t consume it.
I told you I was one of those weirdo Republitarians.
The whole porn wars can be found here, here, here, here, here, and here.
I think that is all the (FREE LIVE XXX PORN) links, and I am not sure if I have them in chronological order, but I think it started with Kevin on either the last or next to last link I posted.
I am wondering if this will drum up more traffic, or if I will need to talk about LITTLE GIRLS IN PARTY DRESSES WITH WILD HOT ACTION.