One thing I like about Jonah Goldberg is that he kicks em while they are down. Let’s see if we can find a recurring theme in some of Jonah’s work.
In today’s piece, he writes:
The “fictional” defense is meaningless. Primary Colors, Joe Klein’s anonymous broadside at Clinton was fictional too. You’d have to eat lead paint chips or be raised by Alec Baldwin to think Klein’s book wasn’t political.
On 27 February 2002, he wrote:
If we wanted a system which depended on the vagaries of insipidity and reflexive asininity we’d have made Alec Baldwin Czar-for-Life.
On 15 February 2002 he wrote:
Imagine if the feds told the Washington Post they couldn’t editorialize about candidates for 30 to 60 days prior to an election. Hollywood First Amendment zealots like Norman Lear or Alec Baldwin would be on the front lawn of the FEC or FCC immolating themselves like Vietnamese monks if they were told one of their TV shows or movies couldn’t air around election time (of course, Alec would have trouble following the directions on the matchbook).
On 13 February 2002, he wrote:
The beautiful German shepherd in the competition last night no doubt looked at the visiting search-and-rescue dogs the way Alec Baldwin looks at people who actually know how to read, and said, “I wish I could be like them.”
On 2 January 2002 he wrote:
If mutual ignorance were the font of war, Mexico would be at war with Moldova and Alec Baldwin would be running around hacking to death everyone with an IQ over 80.
On 3 December 2001, he wrote:
If I say you are ugly, you do not refute my assertion by pointing to someone uglier. Alec Baldwin isn’t any less stoopid simply by virtue of the fact that he can point to someone who eats lead paint-chips like they were Doritos and say, “But Cletus thinks I’m really smart.”
I got tired of looking, but I am sure they go on and on. Go look for some yourself.
I know some of you ill use this as ammo to attack Jonah and to claim that he is not funny or creative. Au Contraire. Each one of those insults was a delight to read, and Jonah is performing a VALUABLE service. You see, the jackals on the left love to make their snide remarks about the intellect of Republicans, and usually they are lying. Jonah is just using Alec Baldwin as a prop, a way to point out stupid behaviors. What better prop to use than a real moron, someone who really is a dolt. Keep it up Jonah. I like it.