This is why a great number of people are generally disgusted by lawyers. In the well publicized dog trial today, this is an actual exchange between the defense lawyer and Susan Smith, the grieving partner of the deceased Diane Whipple:
Smith said Whipple had been bitten before by one of the dogs, named Bane, and that she herself had to jump back when the animal lunged at her in the lobby of their San Francisco apartment building.
Whipple would not leave their apartment without looking out the door to make sure the dogs were not in sight, Smith said.
“Every time we passed the dogs, she made sure I was between her and the dogs,” Smith said.
Smith said after Whipple was bitten on the hand by one of the dogs “she was very scared of those dogs, terrified.”
Ruiz then noted that neither Whipple nor Smith complained about the dogs’ behavior. Smith said they were afraid and wanted nothing to do with the couple across the hall.
“You did nothing to remedy the situation where your life partner lived in fear?” Ruiz asked.
“We took action. We stayed away from the dogs. I didn’t make a complaint. Now I wish I had,” Smith said, tears welling in her eyes.
“Do you consider that had you made a complaint, Diane Whipple might be alive today?” Ruiz asked, drawing loud gasps in the courtroom. Smith responded by shaking her head back and forth.
It is too bad you can not be disbarred for bad taste.