I am too keyed up to read- must post instead. At any rate, as I was getting traumatized by a major motion picture (that in itself sounds weird enough, I know), the world continued to slide into mayhem.
While Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom is reporting that authorities intend to uphold a law keeping dwarf tossing illegal in Florida, Ken Layne notes a Washington Post story that states that HALF of the September 11th murdering Islamofascist scumbags were given ‘extra scrutiny’ PRIOR to boarding the planes they used as guided missiles.
I need Tom Ridge’s job- I need a job where the standard has been set so low prior to my assuming the position that all I have to do is not drool on myself and I can be considered a rousing success. If Tom Ridge were a Major League Baseball player, all he would have to is bat .005 a season and be considered a super slugger.
In the mainstream media (sort of), Molly Ivins dedicates 11 paragraphs to inform us that Nuclear Waste is dangerous and a problem (which is why we want to bury it in a tunnel in a mountain appropriately named YUCCA- complete with big GREEN FROWNING FACES AND CROSSED EYES etched into the landscape), and in the NY Times, Tom Daschle is reported to have claimed that the war on terrorism so far “has been successful. I’ve said that on many, many occasions. But I think the jury’s still out about future success.” Yeah. Those juries are not too good at predicting the future, jackass. Hell, a jury in LA couldn’t even figure out to convict OJ.
No wonder the terrorists didn’t think we would take 9/11 seriously and that we would not fight back. I can’t take us seriously anymore.
I need a drink.