Noted scientist and military analyst Thomas Friedman gives his thoughts on National Missile Defense:
Because of Sept. 11, he has argued, we need even deeper tax cuts for the wealthy, even more money for a pie-in-the-sky missile defense that would have been no use on Sept. 11, an even bigger defense budget and even more drilling for oil in wilderness areas.
Oh.. That is right. He is neither a scientist or a military analyst. He is just a hack columnist with an agenda who happens to write for the NY Times. His latest great feat was to be bamboozled by some sweet talk from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. That excerpt came from today’s 10 paragraph back-handed compliment/lecture to Bush.
I really do not understand what happens to these columnists. Friedman wrote a few really astute columns after 9/11, and now he has just turned out consistent rubbish as of late.