From the Kick them While they are Down Files:
Among them are new revelations about the tangled finances of the former president’s brother, Roger Clinton. In the course of the pardon investigation, committee lawyers uncovered unexplained deposits of hundreds of thousands of dollars in blank traveler’s checks in his bank account. They also found evidence that Clinton – a rock and roll singer, but never a terribly successful one – was paid enormous sums by foreign governments for performances overseas. And they discovered a $15,000 money transfer from Bill Clinton to his brother at a time when Roger Clinton faced growing pressure to tell authorities what he knew about the pardon matter.
Amusing and everything, but this is a non-issue anymore. Nothing will ever come of it, and this is the real Republican addiction- Clinton-bashing. Let them ooze their way into history, and quit having top journalists at major conservative journals wasting time on these issues. There is enough going on out there that really needs to be debated.