Not much to post today, but there is this:
A woman whose two huge dogs mauled a neighbor to death in a San Francisco apartment building was convicted of murder and manslaughter Thursday. Her husband was found guilty of manslaughter.
Good, I hope both of them spend a long time rotting in jail cells, with nothing to do but avoid prison rape and filling out legal briefs for their fellow felon roommates. They are scum, and they deserve everything they got from the jury and more.
Those people had those dogs, which were loaded weapons- cocked and ready to go off on anyone or anything, and they had no regard for any of their fellow citizens. Those dogs were known to go off if they smelled too much of naturally occurring human hormones in the air.
Before someone makes a specious and stupid argument about my loaded weapon analogy, there is no connection between gun ownership and these dogs as ‘loaded weapons.’ If you think so, tell me the last time you rifle or your pistol took a crap on the living room floor. These were living, breathing killing machines, and the people who owned them had a willful and reckless disregard for human life and anything other than their own narrow desires. If you want to make the dog as loaded weapon/anti-gun argument, the only analogy that would be comparable to owning those two dogs would be for someone to litter a grade school playground with loaded AK-47’s. Then the analogy might hold- but that would be anathema to responsible gun ownership, as any gun owner would tell you.
At any rate. So long. You couldn’t keep your vicious animals caged, so now you get to spend a considerable chunk of your life behind bars. Too bad they won’t require you to eat out of a big bowl like the animals that you are. My only regret is the jury couldn’t find your defense attorney guilty of being a Grade-A bitch for torturing the victim’s partner throughout the trial.