Greg Hlatky has stumbled across H.R.2459, a bill proposed to create a cabinet level Department of Peace, which will, as Mr. Hlatky noted, have both foreign and domestic chores. This is not, as Mr. Hlatky also noted, an April Fool’s Joke.
Other than the fact that we already have three departments responsible for keaping the peace (domestically, the Justice Department, overseas, the State Department and chiefly the Defese Department), the proposal is just a bunch of hogwash from the usual suspects. Feel free to send in any job titles that you think might be relevant for the newly created Department of Peace. Here are mine:
Undersecretary for Armpit Hair on Women
Undersecretary for Patchouli Distribution
Grateful Dead and CSNY Archivist
Undersecretary for Jesse Jackson’s Overseas Travel.
House Initiative For Peaceful Protests and Individual Expression (HIPPIE for short).
Secretary of defense of Janet Jackson’s breasts.