Anthony Weiner, (D., NY), come eat your crow:
Last summer, in Salon, an obnoxious and obtuse Anthony Wenier and crew hit every media outlet, including Salon, and demanded an apology from the White House for (can you believe this), besmirching the character of the Clinton White House staff:
“I believe that the responsibility for this largely lies with the White House,” said Weiner. “They fed this story, they nurtured this story, they spread this story.” This was, in Weiner’s estimation, part of a “strategy by the nascent Bush administration to toss up as much dust and smoke about the Clinton administration to give themselves a soft landing. It makes good copy to say ‘Well, there’s a new sheriff in town, and we don’t vandalize offices.’ Well, neither did the preceding administration.”
According to the WaPo today, it did happen:
A government investigation, prompted by Bush administration charges that aides to President Bill Clinton vandalized the White House as they left, found at least $19,000 in damage but concluded it may have been typical of recent outgoing administrations.
The 217-page report was released yesterday by the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, capping a dispute that began in the first few days of the Bush administration when officials found evidence of pranks and vandalism.
Don’t expect Weiner to retract his faux outrage. He is onto something else, I am sure. Like Enron. Or ANWR. Or what Bush knew pre 9/11. Anything that will get a headline and obfuscate the truth and smear the Bush White House.