Matt Yglesias thinks I am being intemperate. He is right. There are enough damn things I dislike about this administration (like the coddling of the House of Saud, and the Faith Based Initiatives nonsense, and that hideous Farm Bill, and the Kennedy written Education Bill) that I am sick and tired of defending them from these stupid attacks from the left.
These attacks have no basis in reality, and are merely media-assisted smear campaigns. So, instead of blogging about what I want to, I am forced to try to set the record straight. Whether it be Enron, Harken, Halliburton, whether or not the administration knew about 9/11, arsenic in water, Bush being a moron, etc.- you name it- there have been hundreds of these tawdry attempts since G.W.B. took office. What is infuriating is that the media equates the assertion as fact, until it is merely proven otherwise. However, that is often weeks after the initial phony charge has been leveled.
I think that is enough to make a man intemperate. Quit lying Dems- and I will calm down.