As I type this, I have an aching butt. Today, I had the most bizarre office injury I have ever had. I moved into a new office, and I have a brand new leather chair– really nice- the whole room smells like the leather, and I love it. At any rate, I also got one of those plastic floor thingies for the chair to sit on. You know what I am talking about- it is there for ease of rolling and to protect the carpet.
I was typing away, when I thought I had to go do something. I stood up, then realized I was an hour early, and I went to sit back down. This is when tragedy stuck.
Apparently (actually there is no apparently about it), I misjudged where I should plant my copious ass and where my brand new chair was. Needless to say, I missed the chair, and just managed to plant my butt on the very edge of the seat of the chair. I sat down rapidly enough that the momentum created enough force to rocket my new chair (aided by the new chair mat) backwards at light speed. I continued downward, narrowly missing my chin on the desk, throwing hot coffee all over my newly painted office. My ass hit the hard mat with massive force.
I could have died, and the only thing I thought was “Thank God everyone else is at lunch.”
In short, my butt hurts, and tomorrow I have to be in a car for hours. Down pillow, anyone?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha you poor thing howz ya butt. thats funny. Sorry BUTT it is
aww, lol. Great story.
I was researching office accidents and came upon this. Very amusing and well writen.
Good luck with your .. er.. rear end, rofl.
There are SO many reasons for someone’s butt to hurt, so at least be glad yours is a decent one :D
John Wong
I was doing my homework for school and I came upon this funny story. You are damn right u were going to die due to that fall man. My friend died before due to a fall that is similar to this. He was playing computer games and he leaned back and felt and died. poor guy everyone was sad in the funeral.