Interesting little back and forth between the Instapundit, Nick Denton, and Dave Winer. Then Winer then responds with this:
My brief response. In addition to being a technologist and living on the west coast of the US, I am also the first-generation American son of Holocaust survivors, born and raised in NY. Does Nick have any insight into my thinking? Clearly not.
I find this rather offensive, and very much like attempts by race-baiters to stifle any conversation about racial issues (You don’t know what you are talking about- You are not a black man). If the only people who are allowed to use the word holocaust are the survivors and the descendants of the survivors, then the words “Never Again” ring hollow. Surely Dave is just being lazy, and not really attempting to stifle debate with this trite response.
*** UPDATE ***
Nick Denton elaborates more eloquently on my previous comments.