New York Times Financial Watch, Day 4
After either ignoring the dramatic increases in the DOW the last three days (8%, roughly 800 points), or doing everything they could to portray the gains as negatively as possible, the NY Times has this headline on the front page:
Stocks Struggle After 3 Days of Strong Rallies
I am simply numb with disbelief. They downplay enormous gains for three days, and then, on a day when the DOW has either been only down 50 pts or up 50 pts (current status, up 33 pts), the NY Times labels run of the mill activity as STRUGGLING?
Let’s go through this again. When the market gains, say nothing or lie. When it stays close to the open or declines, have BIG, GLARING HEADLINES with the words ‘sharp,’ or ‘struggle,’ or ‘sell-off.’
The gray lady is a joke. These people are nothing more than partisan hacks.