Compare these lines, and try to figure out which came from the movie Dumb and Dumber, and which came from Rep. Bonior (D-MI) and Rep. McDermott (D-WA):
A.) “I thought the Rocky Mountains would be a little bit rockier than this. That John Denver is full of shit.”
B.) “I think you have to take the Iraqis on their value — at their face value.”
C.) “That’s as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.’s. ”
D.) “War destroys lives in such a profound way.”
E.) “Now we don’t even know who these guys are, you don’t kill people you don’t know, that’s a rule.”
Without the hyperlinks, that might have been harder than you first thought. As the Instapundit noted, this continued behavior on the part of Saddam’s useful idiots ought to dominate the Sunday morning shows for another week. I bet Gephardt is ready to choke the life out of these nitwits.
work at home
Oh, I would have been able to tell which was which. I love that movie.