Hesiod- Go Fuck Yourself You Know-Nothing Partisan Gas-Bag
Hesiod, of Counterspin Central infamy, is a nominal twerp of less than nominal significance, so normally I ignore his inane ramblings, partisan screechings, and blissful ignorance. Today, however, the jackass has shown the true depths of his ignorance with this post:
TOUGH “LOVE”: What a heartless, cynical bastard! Jeb Bush is, basically, tossing his daughter Noelle to the wolves in order to save his flagging political campaign.
For those of you who are unaware, Jeb Bush’s daughter seems to have a serious drug problem, and the Bush family (BY EVERY REPORT EVER MENTIONED IN ANY PRESS), is doing everything they can to help their beloved child. However, since Hesiod is a jackal of the first-order with no core beliefs and no moral compass, everything can be distorted for partisan gain. What exactly does Hesiod object to? Is it this quote from Gov. Bush?
“I would like to wave a magic wand and have this devil be exorcised from her, from her life and her soul, so that she can make clear decisions for herself and live an independent life and a joyful one,” Bush said on NBC’s “Today” show. “But I can’t. She has to do it.”
Hey Hesiod, or whatever your name is- do you disagree with that? Or is it this quote?:
He said the family would support her “but you can’t enable people that have addictions. They have to confront it.”
Is it the concept of individual responsibility that bothers you? Or maybe it is this quote:
“It puts huge strains on families. It creates doubts amongst each other. If you talk to people, you know that it’s hard not to blame yourself.”
Asked if he blames himself, Bush said: “No. I’ve stopped. I’ve stopped. I’ve learned not to. But it’s hard. It’s really hard on families.”
Do you deny it is hard not to blame yourself for your child’s failings? Do you deny that addiction is not hard on families? Maybe this is the quote that pisses Hesiod off:
Asked if she has received preferential treatment, Bush said: “That is ridiculous. It’s just not true. In fact as a father my concern is to make sure that she’s treated as she should be treated and people don’t go overboard because of who she is to treat her differently.”
I know you worship the Clinton’s, but most people don’t see elected office as a pathway to personal enrichment or special treatment. Maybe this is the quote that ires him:
“I see pictures of her when she was 3 or 4 years old and I vividly remember that,” Bush said. “But now she’s 25 and the laws apply to her as they apply to anyone else. I just hope the laws apply to her like anybody else.”
FYI, Hesiod- bending the rules would be illegal, and it would still not do anything for Noelle. She would just be a junkie out of jail, and might end up dead. In fact, an argument could be made that the safest place for her right now is in jail, or in rehab, until she can recover and become a fully functioning member of society. Setting her out on the street and/or enabling her does no one any good.
For what it is worth, you semi-literate twerp, I have some personal experience with this issue, with an immediate family member in rehab and facing drug charges. Bush is right about this issue, and you are a merely a stain on humanity. Crawl back in your hole, and don’t feel compelled to reply or attempt to defend yourself, as I won’t be checking your site for a response or a retort, you evil shit-heel.
*** Update ***
I lied. I couldn’t help myself- I checked for his response. I thought he would state something along the line of “I sometimes go over the boundary between right and wrong, and this time I clearly missspoke.” I thought wrong.
Instead, Hesiod, the intrepid fuckwit hailing from the fringe left of the blogosphere, not only re-states his original charge that Bush ‘threw her to the wolves’ for political expediency– a charge which is impossible to infer from the story he originally linked to (or any other for that matter), but now he claims that previously Bush ‘enabled’ Noelle for political gain.
It is increasingly clear that Hesiod’s fast and loose play with the facts is a sure signal that he seems to believe that his lungs are a reservoir of knowledge and truth, and all he needs to do is open his mouth to set them free. Instead, every time he opens his mouth, he exposes his arse.
Last night on Hardball, Christopher Hitchens described Ramsey Clark as a ‘sinster clown.’ Quite clearly Hitch has not met or read Hesiod, or he would have saved the moniker for this far more worthy candidate. And Hesiod, there is NOTHING entertaining about the bile oozing from your putrid lips.