This whole delinking because of differing ideologies thing is just plain stupid. I like to hear what most people have to say, and if it is stupid, well then, I will tell them so.
One of my favorite sites to read every day is the Daily Kos, even though I don’t agree with a lot of his politics. He does, however, express his viewpoints well, is kind to all his visitors, and it seems to rub off on most of his commenters.
For all those people out there who think it is neato to de-link because you just can’t take opposing viewpoints, I have two things to say:
1.) Grow Up
2.) Your traffic ain’t near the Instapundit’s anyway, so get over your bad self.
If anyone has been de-linked for these childish reasons, send me an e-mail, and I will gladly throw you up on my permalinks to fill in whatever void might have been created.
Cripes, already. This is a sure sign the blogosphere has matured- people are acting like children.
And one of these damned days I am gonna remember to link John Hawkins.