I’m Not a Nice Guy, I Just Play One on the Net:
My favorite comment ever written about me:
After reading many, many of his posts, I’ve come to the conclusion that John Cole is not really a decent guy with an open mind, he just plays one on the ‘net. He’s been treated with extraordinary courtesy and respect here, and seems to return it with standard-issue freeper blather about the only real racists being Al sharpton and some other Democrats and how the Southern Strategy is a myth or doesn’t explain anything or something.
I have never said anything about Al Sharpton being the only real racist (he is a racist, however, as well as an established anti-semite, a liar and perjurer, a fraud, and a demogague- just not the only one out there), I never visit the Free Republic, and I have never said the ‘southern strategy’ was a myth. I also think I am a nice guy. Other than that, I agree with everything he has written.
This is what happens when you disagree with people who are so sure of their moral superiority, so convinced of their rightness, so convinced that they can merely stereotype their opposition or anyone who disagrees with them. They see precisely what they want to see, and delude themselves and slip farther into their own echo chamber. Irving Janis had a name for it. It was called Groupthink.
All of this, btw, has been prompted by me stating that the right thing happened with Trent Lott stepping down, and that it is just silly for the left to start inventing civil rights for the sake of partisan gain. I also mentioned that Patty Murray is an idiot. The most recent comment has labeled me as a ‘long-winded racist fool.’