The Quiz
I saw this quiz on another website, and all I could do was laugh because although it is accurate, it will do nothing to deflect Democrat criticism of Republicans. At any rate, the quiz first, via Cold Fury:
20th Century U.S. History final:
1) The Dixiecrat party was made up of Southern
a) Democrats
b) Republicans
2) Jim Crow laws were passed by legislatures controlled by:
a) Democrats
b) Republicans
3) When the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led the civil rights efforts in the South, the governing powers that opposed him were of which party?
a) Democrat
b) Republican
4) In Arkansas, the governor who stood in the door of a schoolhouse to block integration was a:
a) Democrat
b) Republican
5) The president who ordered in the National Guard to dislodge the above-mentioned governor from the above-mentioned door was a:
a) Democrat
b) Republican
6) George Wallace was a:
a) Democrat
b) Republican
7) Lester Maddox was a:
a) Democrat
b) Republican
8) Although Republican Bo Callaway won a plurality of the vote, the Georgia Legislature installed Lester Maddox as governor. The Legislature was ruled by an overwhelming majority of:
a) Democrats
b) Republicans
9) As a bonus worth 50 points, which is the only one of questions above answered correctly with “b”?
Yes- The Democrats are the party with the more checkered past on all issues regarding race. I think they are wrong on race right now. In fact, if you ask the Democrat cheerleaders I spend my time talking to, there is not one racist in the Democrat party. They will claim to you, with a straight face, that all the segregationists left the Democrat party and became Republicans, so the Republican party now carries the baggage. One poster on the Daily Kos, a Georgian who is noramlly one of the more pleasant and thoughtful posters, inadvertantly summed up how the Democrats treat their complicity in race. Georgia was not racist, really, as compared to all those other states, because they had Democrat leadership, Democrat Senators, and a Democrat state apparatus. However, on election day 2002, when the voters chose Sonny Perdue and Saxby Chambliss and a republican state legislature (two state Senators switched parties, if I remember correctly), all of a sudden the state is a haven for racists. Same people living in the state- in fact, if anything, it has become more liberal with the influx of young professionals to the Atlanta region, but because the people did not choose Democrats, they are now jack-booted thugs and cross-burners. The rednecks and the racists won!! Interesting world view, hunh?
When I told her that my uncle lives in Buckhead (a part of Atlanta) and voted for Chambliss and is not a racist, the response was that Buckhead is a stronghold for the old Dixiecrats and Country Club Conservatives. She would probably be shocked to learn that my Uncle is a Quaker from Maryland. But hey- blind assertions and false assumptions have gotten the Democrats this far. It is enough to make you scream.