The Left is Making Me Crazy
They can not and will not even admit that Sen. Patty Murray said something stupid. For them to admit that, it would be to invalidate their entire belief structure.
“She was just asking a hypothetical question?”
‘She was just trying to stimulate discussion.”
Look- I am a teacher. I ask hypothetical questions all the time- but I am careful to make sure that my PREMISE IS CORRECT.
She shouldn’t step down. She doesn’t even need to apologize. She didn’t say something subversive- just stupid, both factually and politically. Just re-state what she meant accurately, and move on. But the left won’t even admit that is necessary. Go read the Daily Kos– it is maddening the defenses that are being constructed. They range from the ‘show me the US spends more money’ to ‘this is just a right wing attack job’ to ‘they are s stupid they don’t even understand hypothetical questions.’
It is like the Democrats have some perversion of the Hyppocratic Oath (The Hypocrite’s Oath?)-
‘First, admit no wrong.”