Dr. William Frist: Senate Majority Leader By Day/ Dr. Mengele By Night.
Or at least that is what Alexander Cockburn would like you to think. Check out this smashing bit of over the top nastiness:
So now the U.S. senate is going to be led by the cat world’s answer to Dr. Mengele! A man who can do that is capable of any infamy.
Yawn. Meanwhile, Dr. Frist was involved in helping several individuals who happened to be thrown from their Isuzu when it rolled over. Not that big of a deal, because I would have done the same thing. 99% of us probably would have. What is amusing is the backlash from the libs, who just can’t stand the fact that Frist is going to be very difficult for them to tar and feather as some extreme right-winger. Check out this bile from Atrios:
Yesterday an Isuzu SUV rolled over after its tire blew. Two passengers were killed. Another 4 survived due perhaps, in part, to the help of Senator Frist who was at the scene.
Given Frist’s support of “tort reform” and his votes to cap punitive damages on product liability, the surviving 4 passengers likely would have preferred that John Edwards was at the scene.
The Instapundit, meanwhile, has learned from his readers that perhaps Atrios spoke a little too quickly and loosely (NOOOO- Not Atrios!). Edwards’s son was killed in a rollover.