Interesting thread over at the Daily Kos discussing the fallout from Daschle deciding not to run in 2004. Some on the list have noted in Kos’s comments section that perhaps this is good for Dick Gephardt in the Iowa primary.
I do not think I could disagree more. IMHO, there is simply no chance in hell that Dick Gephardt will be the Democrat’s nominee. Why?
1.) Gephardt was utterly humiliated in every election in which he was the leader. He never regained the House, despite an exceptionally strong Dem. Presidential candidate (who won the popular vote- which would lead me to think that the Dems would have a decent chance of recapturing the House).
2.) The base hates him. He is a sell-out, he is too conservative, and he voted for the Iraq resolution. The people who decide who the Democrat candidate is will not forget that vote, nor his working with the Republicans and the Bush administration (which is seen as utter capitulation to the people who count in the Democrat primaries).
3.) Many refer to his power with labor. Folks, this is not 1960 anymore. Labor simply is not that important of a voting group as it once was. Perhaps CFR may impact that, but union membership has been declining for years. Furthermore, Unions achieved many of their goals that wed them to the Democrat party. For the most part- they do have decent wages, decent health care, decent retirement. Now, many union members feel comfortable voting on socially conservative issues, such as guns. Also, I think the importance of the friction between the environmental movement and unions should not be downplayed. Bush attempted to drive a wedge in between these groups with ANWR and other issues.
Most importantly, unless you have been visiting the Daily Kos, Eschaton, Ted Barlow, or other lefty sites frequently and for a while, you just have no idea how much the base hates Gephardt. He has no chance in hell.
I have a comment! What is this nation going to do with all the second families being born? What I mean is I married a man who had been married before and had kids now he pays childsupport and we can’t even afford to feed our own children. The ex-wife wanted out of the marriage because she wanted him to join the army and he joined the navy and when he went off to boot camp she married another guy who was in army. she’s a loser and my kids and I have to suffer because of it. I don’t care what party is in office I just want to be able to support my kids and not have to feel like my kids are less than because I married a divorced man. He pays 50% of his paycheck to her and we can’t afford to live. I had to quit school (college) to get a full time job to support our family. I have two great kids I just want some answers where can I turn
No war-mongers for President of the United States of America.
Karen Kemmerling
Gebhardt says how many people have to lose jobs before Bush loses his. Well since the Democrats especially Gebhardt are largely responsible for driving businesses under by overtaxation I would have to ask when he is going to lose his job? You can’t create jobs by driving the businesses under and out of our country. Big business isn’t the enemy – THE LIBERALS ARE!!!!!
louis b payne
There are only going to be three men standind as this selection process continues – Dean, Kerry, and Clark. It will narrow to two. Clark and Dean. Of the two, my bet is Clark.
Shannon and Amanda
You are a LOSER
Robert COrnell
I really like to talk . I like that comment I read about big buisness. I was driving down this highway and ryte beside the highway was a dozer toppling over a line of trees. Looked like big buisness to me!
as I kept driving this is what I saw.
a dazer toppling over trees and pileing up the tree’s. another dozer and roller thing packing the ground; some machine spreading gravel and soon some pave ment and maybe a curb and a lot of people here and there.
now if I went back the other way another time I might just see a pile of tree’s burning away out of the way.
makes me thing about the workers, how about you ?