“Conservative” Bill O’Reilly makes me want to beat my head against a wall. I hate it when I screw up and get caught up in one of his tirades while I am channel surfing. Tonight, he argued with a fellow from the CATO Institute about S.U.V.’s. O’Reilly doesn’t want them, and he was trumpeting Arianna Huffington’s terrorism campaign.
Fine. Don’t buy one, Bill. It really is that simple. I don’t really care for SUV’s either, but I am not arrogant enough to tell people what to buy. If they want one or need one, let ’em have it.
And the quotes-o-sarcasm around conservative are a reaction to the idiot leftists who keep calling O’Reilly a conservative. He isn’t- he ia faux-populist. But libs name anything they don’t like conservatives, so that is the label he gets. Put is this way- O’Reilly is conservative like Farrakhan is liberal.
Paul Christopher
You’re an idiot.