WASHINGTON–A Pentagon antiterrorism plan to link databases of credit card companies, health insurers and others–creating what critics call a “domestic surveillance apparatus”–is encountering growing opposition on Capitol Hill.
Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wisc., is planning to introduce a bill on Thursday to halt the Pentagon’s Total Information Awareness program. A representative said on Wednesday that if passed, the legislation would suspend the TIA program until Congress can “review the data-mining issues.”
Even if Congress never acts on Feingold’s proposal, the unusual step of trying to suspend a military program may prompt the Defense Department to review the TIA program in a way few other tactics could. The bill will also provide TIA critics with a focal point for activism.
With Dick Armey and Bob Barr gone from the House, it is up to Russ Feingold and Pat Leahy to do the heavy lifting defending your privacy and your rights. Remember that the next time you want to fly off the handle and savagely attack all Democrats (I ma talking to myself, here). I think this is the first time I have ever said anything nice about Pat Leahy.