The DOW plunged below 8000 today. F—— Great!
It is weird- I really don’t feel like the economy is that bad- but the market is sure sucking wind. Maybe I have my head in the sand.
by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics
The DOW plunged below 8000 today. F—— Great!
It is weird- I really don’t feel like the economy is that bad- but the market is sure sucking wind. Maybe I have my head in the sand.
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This is all just pre-war jitters. The economy is actually in pretty good shape.
If Bush does the right thing on Iraq and no major catastrophes befall us things will be peachy in a few months.
I just wish they’d hurry up and pass that tax cut. The marrage penalty sucks my ass! (It cost us roughly $3000 last year alone.)
I seem to recall a few economic analysts saying that the stock market had fallen so quickly, it was no longer reflecting the actual state of the economy.
I have been marred 27years I have 5 kids I had to pay in 800 -1000 a year for the last 12 years have had 1200 taken out a year from pay @ 20000 my wife 18000 no saving no cridit no home no why to help anyone or you thank you u.s.a