My reaction- ehh on the domestic issues, FINALLY on the Iraq issue. For some reason, Bush looked like I feel when I have had too much of the Green Death NyQuil. Here is the text of the speech, and here are some of my favorite parts:
The 108 U.N. inspectors were sent to conduct–were not sent to conduct a scavenger hunt for hidden materials across a country the size of California. The job of the inspectors is to verify that Iraq’s regime is disarming.
I am sure we will have to explain this to the block-headed multi-lateralists about 52,000 more times- but it was nice to hear the President state it one more time on the record. They insist that we go through the UN, we do and unanimously pass resolution 1441, and then the peace-at-all-costs crowd either doesn’t have the decency or is too stupid to understand it. Compared with the outline of how successful disarmament should be undertaken, the material breach aspect is a closed case already. BTW, if you don’t believe me, Hans Blix said so yesterday.
If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option.
This reminded me of my favorite Mike Tyson press conference when he said about his opponents- “They all have their strategies, then I hit them.” Sitting around waiting for a smoking gun means we have been shot at- great logic, hunh?
All free nations have a stake in preventing sudden and catastrophic attacks, and we’re asking them to join us, and many are doing so. Yet the course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others.
Translation: The reason I have two hands is so I can give the middle finger to France and Germany at the same time.
I am sure the Eunuchs and the left will go into apoplexy about this- ‘Bush lost our allies, Bush lost our allies!’ Hell, if your wife finally breaks up with you after secretly having a lengthy affair with a convict, do you blame yourself for losing her? Germany and France are now on notice that they can keep playing games, or enter the realm of serious nations- and remember, for these two it really is all about the oil and business.
Again, Locke’s rebuttal was ridiculous. I saw Teddy Chappaquiddick Kennedy talk for a few minutes on NBC and then MSNBC, and he was far more effective than Locke, and I HATE Kennedy and don’t believe a damn thing the murderer has to say. And for the love of God, does Hillary not know how to smile- and could she please quit whispering during SOTU addresses?
I give it a 5 (of 10) on the domestic issues, a 10 on the Aids funding and the rehab, and a 9.5 on Iraq.
David Perron
I really, really liked the part where he said something like:
“This means Iraq has 29,900 warheads it has not accounted for.”
I’m sure the Left thought that was condescending. But sometimes you need to condescend when some of the people you’re talking to don’t seem to register the lighter taps of the hammer.
Henry Hanks
It’s gotten to the point where you have to talk to some of them like that though…
Barney Gumble
Hell, the SOTU was complete sentences (the lefties were VERY impressed with the 6 syllable ‘antiretroviral’). Rove must have rehearsed him for days. Can he catch a presi-treat in his mouth?
When he talks to the right it’s 3 words, pause, 3 words, pause, 3 words, pause…