After the Columbia disaster, I asked this question:
How long before the lunatic fringe is pointing out that this is a sign from God, as the crew with the first Israeli astronaut died over Palestine, Texas?
There are numerous examples all over the place, but this one is the most fitting what I thought would come from the real morons with an ax to grind:
THERE were renewed calls for the deportation of Abu Hamza al-Masri yesterday after he said that Allah had destroyed the shuttle because it was a
“The vast majority of Muslims are now quite disgusted by (Mr Hamza’s) sentiments.”
Whereas 100% of decent people have been disgusted with him since the first time he opened his pie-hole.
Which, of course, isn’t meant to imply that the vast majority of Muslims aren’t decent people, only that they should have come around to that way of thinking when he was praising Allah for Sept. 11.
Given the many threats, physical intimidations, and grievous injuries reported, it is only lately the Muslims in Britain have begun to feel compelled, in spite of danger, to express their disgust.
A broader sense of knowledge is required here to make any comment about what is happening in the world today, I would humbly want to express my feelings. I am a Muslim who was living in NY City back on Sept 11, my house being eight blocks and my office six blocks away from WTC. Not only hearing and seeing the first aircraft crashing the tower but even knowing it happened gives me pain and that is why I am compelled me to write this.
Ignorance was the weapon of mass destruction there at that time, will always be anywhere anytime. Why still write words of hatred that is an outcome of the prejudice which is derived from miscommunication actually no communication since we are all condemned to have different languages? My fantasy that “the one will cry out -Stop The War- over WTC to end all this craziness