If Colin Powell’s presentation did not convince the French, the Germans, and the Democrats running for President, can we change the name from “Axis of Weasel” to “Axis of Stupid Ignoramuses Who Are Willfully Blind and Deserve to be Ignored and Relegated to the Foreign Affairs Equivalent of Latrine Duty?”
I know it doesn’t rhyme or sound as pleasing, but I am tired of slandering weasels.
*** Update ***
Did France really suggest setting up a PERMANENT inspection regime in Iraq?
I think Cameroon said it best: “This is all very clear evidence that we need to continue to let the inspections work…” France later chimed in by suggesting a novel solution! “We should triple the number of inspectors in Iraq, and set up a permanent Inspector office in Baghdad.” Doo doodoo da doo da, in-spec-tor-gad-get.
Defend Democracy
Free Voices of Iraq is a series of perspectives published by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in which Iraqi democracy and human rights activists speak out about the suffering of the Iraqis under Saddam Hussein, their desire to be liberated, and the prospects for bringing democracy to a post-Saddam Iraq.
Defend Democracy
Link to the above series of perspectives is:
John, on the left-right divide, this has become a great religious debate of sorts between believers and non-believers. No amount of proof of the existence of Saddam’s covert weapons programs will be enough to convince the left that he presents a clear and present danger to the security of the region, or that he is in clear violation of 17 UN resolutions.
As for the French and other USNC toadies for Iraq, their motive is greed, pure and simple. Funny how, at the end of the day, the left has pinned its hopes on the worst kind of capitalists.
Sascha Hammes
Niccceee pagee