On Friday, Director of Homeland Security Tom Ridge told the nation “stop being such pussies- we are doing everything we can to stop terrorism, but Christ, we are making this up as we go. Also, you need to quit listening to the Democrats, who have it in their political best interests that we fail- and it is also in their best interest that you remain scared to death.”
Actually, he didn’t say that at all. But he should have when he did address the press yesterday. He also should have told obnoxious Tom Daschle precisely where to stick it- but he won’t, because he has too much dignity to sink to that sewer trout’s level. Daschle’s comments were typical Democrat sneering and whining:
“Duct tape is not enough. Neither is empty rhetoric,” Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., said after he and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., met with about a dozen firefighters, including some who rushed to the Pentagon (news – web sites) after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack.
No shit, Tom. Thanks for the update, not to mention the empty rhetoric. I guess ‘serious questions’ didn’t scare the terrorists off, so you are all out of help for us. Maybe you should impose a tax on them. Or some regulations.
Duct tape is not enough- and I doubt this is all they are doing to combat the problem. But then again, we have entered a new era- one that is going to require innovation, a re-tooling of our assets and command structure, re-thinking how we use our intelligence gathering services and our armed forces, and to be honest, there is going to be a lot of guessing going on for a while. It is thus not surprising that the party that has not had a new idea since 1960 would be somewhat baffled with what to do, but this new lefty Democrat party will surely win you back the House and Senate in 2004. Snicker.
We don’t know how they are going to hit us next. We don’t know where they are going to hit us next. We have a wide range of possibilities we are trying to address, and your carping and noxious whining (and hoping for something bad to happen to pin on Bush) is just a bit much for most of us. At least they did tell us that in a chemical attack, duct tape and plastic and plastic might help. We know for sure Clinton would never have told us that. Why do we know that? Simple.
Dick Morris wouldn’t have let him.
*** Update ***
Like I said, there is going to be soem guessing. Until anyone who wants to hit us is taking a long dirt nap, we have to try to stay one step ahead of them, and that isn’t always that easy:
In these twice-daily supersecret videoconferences, begun shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the agencies are expected to share their latest intelligence on the whereabouts of terrorists of Al Qaeda and their possible plans for attack.
Administration officials say the intelligence about Al Qaeda in the 17 months since the attacks has often been alarming. But this month the evidence became “downright terrifying,” a senior law enforcement official said. He said interrogations of captured terrorists and other intelligence suggested an imminent terrorist attack that might even involve chemical, biological or radioactive “dirty bombs” aimed at lightly guarded targets like hotels or apartment buildings.
Two weeks ago, officials said, the intelligence was so frightening and so specific
The terror alerts were knowingly based on lies, and deliberately timed to attempt to force the UN to capitulate to Tipsy’s bloodthirst for Poppy’s revenge, but the populace is to be blamed for believing them? The moronic wingnut bullshit just never ends, does it?
John Cole
Other than your rampant paranoia, do you have one piece of evidence to back up your bizarre assertions?
And no, you left wing nuts never cease to amaze me.