By now, everyone has heard of the new plan by liberals to find a radio star to compete with Rush Limbaugh and the other right-wingers. Our intrepid reporter, ScrappleFace, has unearthed a memo detailing their plans:
1. Get marginally-famous people to host — comedians, “B-list” actors, defeated liberal politicians.
2. Get some “ideas” of our own. (Finance opinion polls to develop these.)
3. Find ways of describing our ideas that are not repugnant to freedom-loving people.
4. Try to sound more American. Play Star-Spangled Banner at start of show, or something.
5. If the above plan fails, make fun of how George Bush looks and talks.
How long before they are at step 5?
David Perron
Too late. That’s where they started.
laria dalton
Like Fox et al don’t make fun of anyone who disagrees with them
David Perron
Examples, Laria?
I won’t be too shocked if you haven’t any, and just made that up.
But there is a difference between party-organized media shows and Fox. If you can’t see that, you’re beyond my help.