Donahue is done, effective now.
500 channels, and still no market for smarmy, effite, effeminate liberalism. Give him a radio show, guys…
** Full Disclosure**
I watched Donahue a good deal, if only to see what he was going to say. I skipped the more noxious shows, like the one with Helen Thomas, but most of the time I was listening/watching.
Some people will probably use this as evidence that the media is conservative, but what it really shows is that many of Donahue’s cherished and bizarre ideals are simply rejected by the viewing majority. They voted with their remote controls.
*** Update **
Well, now. That didn’t take very long. At least Oliver’s commentary is an audio piece. The other two are just tedious whining. Oliver is fooling himself if he thought Donahue was fair and presented both sides of an issue (he only slightly presented both sides of an issue, and that was only so he could gesture wildly and flamboyantly about how persecuted his point of view was- it was really quite annoying), but he was absolutely spot on that Donahue was boring. By the way, Oliver doesn’t sound anything like I thought he would.
Folks- Donahue was cancelled because he was boring. Matthews has similar or higher ratings, but he has proven in the past, when he wasn’t preceded by a ratings loser, that he can get decent ratings.
*** Update #2 ***
Neal Sheeran’s title says it best.
Barney Gumble
Then why does Tweety Bird, who had lower ratings than Donahue, not get cancelled?
Henry Hanks
Why does Drew Carey not get canceled? It’s called longevity and it counts for something as well in television. Matthews’ ratings were a lot better until he had to follow Donahue and go up against Hannity & Colmes and Larry King at the same time.
Henry Hanks
Also, Matthews isn’t exactly on the opposite side of Donahue these days, arguing against the war. He’s just a kiss-ass to just about every guest he has on, whether it’s Hillary or Hitchens.
Damn, now I’ve seen everything. The Media Horseshit Online-ers said good riddance to Donahue for being “objectively pro-Bush” because he actually acknowledged Bush was the president. Is it possible to be further left than the Green party yet still vote Democrat? The Horseshitters just pulled it off.