Q: What’s a Frenchman’s favorite wine?
A: “We thought Belgium was neutral!”
Q: Have you heard about the French kamikaze pilot?
A: He’s on his 23rd Mission!
“As far as I’m concerned, war always means failure” —Jacques Chirac, President of France
“As far as France is concerned, you’re right.” —Rush Limbaugh, Doctor of Democracy
Q: What does the word “Maginot” mean in English?
A: “Welcome!”
via France Stinks
Moe Freedman
As I’ve mentioned on my blog, the one French joke that gets to me is this one:
Q: How many Frenchmen died in WWII?
A: Not enough, obviously.
How is a slim person called in the US?
– A tourist
Ethan Wagner
france sucks they should go to hell the little panzies.
Ethan Wagner,12, ohio
France stinks
What has happened to france stinks.com? was it too near the truth so it got banned over here?
Yet another proof of your complete lack of maturity.
Well done, you’re on the way
Rob Woodpecker
The French are better lovers, Germans by far the smarter thinkers. But we American are top on typing those dusty jokes on our lonesome keyboards. Yes, we’re the top!
If you enjoy having a laugh at the expense of France, you’ll love this. http://www.thankyoufrance.com
France rules u guys should think wat u say b4 u do it!
France rules u guys should think wat u say b4 u do it!
Sorry to change the subject but, did you see Bill Goldberg whoop on La Resistance? Though it was fake, it was a great show of how weak the French are.
Why woesn’t Jesus born in France?
They couldn’t find three wise men or a Virgin.