Imagine if ANY Republican had this in his background and was running for President:
Basically, in the early days — before he was running citywide, let alone nationwide — Kucinich’s political schtick was posing as the champion of the ‘forgotten’ white ethnic voters over against the rising force of black political power. Sort of a great white hope type, or great Slavic hope, if you will.
Would Josh Marshall write this:
People do ‘evolve’ politically — and not just in the euphemistic, wink-wink kind of sense. People really do change. And they change their style of politics too. But usually, for this to work, or be legitimate and believable, the pol in question has to make some sort of public accounting for why circumstances changed or why he or she did.
Given that Kucinich is now making a play for the votes of dyed-in-the-wool liberals, a bit more of such an accounting seems in order.
Would Atrios write this:
I’ll have to learn more to know if he’s attoned for it enough for it to not still matter.
Quit laughing.
Many Kudo’s to Kos for writing this:
I don’t know enough about Kucinich to say one way or another whether he’s made amends for his “youthful indiscretions”, but this kind of past automatically disqualifies a candidate in my book.
Josh, Atrios, -follow Kos’s lead. He is right. There is no room for this, period, although I am sure the Atriettes and the DU fruits will spend a couple of weeks doing the usual tap-dance- “Hey this is only one story,” or “the paper has an agenda,” or “but he’s changed.,” or “but he is so right about the war being wrong.”
*** Update ***
Full disclosure- I should mention that I want Dennis Kucinich in this race to the very end. I think he is great- for Republicans.
*** Update #2 ***
It gets even better. Now the conspiracy twits are out, and the Kucinich story has only come out because the Bush White House wants it to (Josh Marshall, ari Fleischer’s puppet, you know):
Marshall posted another link. The article he links to was very unprofessional, in fact its just awful, and all over the place like someones first draft–basically I thought it was crap.
If Marshall has something else he wants to offer up, I’m sure we will read it. Mean while Richard Cohen trashes Dennis Kucinich like he was a French import.
Why? Because Kucinich use the O word (as in this war is about OIL) on “Meet the Press” whereby Richard Perle called Kucinich a “liar”.
Get that- this is a hack job, because Kucinich was having success in his anti-war crusade. Muahaha.
Of course you’d think about a dozen other things would have already disqualified Kucinich with anyone with an IQ in the triple-digits.
Now Marshall is getting Rove’s e-mails, I’m sure… and Dennis Kucinich is a liar, deal with it.
I agree – Dennis’ campaign will be a laugh riot to watch – and a big help to Dubya.
Barney Gumble
Oh, too bad–it was 1972, well into the era GW Bush defines as ancient history and off limits for discussion. Unless you’ld like to start talking about Bush’s coke habit? Or maybe the abortion? Or DUI’s? Harken?
John Cole
I got a DUI in 1993 when I was in undergraduate, am pro-choice and in favor of legalization of drugs.
And what do you mean you will start talking about this… You have been babbling incessantly since December 2000 about this, and probably long before. Do you have a point, other than the one on the top of your head.
regardless, the point of this post was that if this were a Republican that had done this, Josh Marshall, Atrios, and yesy, you, would be screaming that he is a vile racist and should not be in the race.
There’s actually a single DUI and at the time Bush was not running for political office. Same with the allegations of cocaine. The abortion allegation is a load of hooey and the Harken dog won’t hunt, as has been proven time and time again, despite the best efforts of the mainstream press. Thanks for playing htough.
Harken – That dog won’t hunt, as has been shown time and time again, despite the best efforts of the mainstream press.
Abortion – A load of hooey, because the woman in question challenged Larry Flynt to back up his charges and he responded with utter silence.
DUI (not “DUI’s”) – Before Bush ran for public office, unlike Kucinich
Cocaine allegations – Still just allegations… unless you believe Bill Clinton should be judged on every allegation made about him as well. Bush needs to call off the war on drugs already but he should do that whether he were a drug abuser or not.
But again, none of this is related to the point being made about Kucinich.
Sorry for the double posting again… by the way the apologia just gets sadder. Funny how this didn’t set off a media firestorm the way the Lott thing did…
The Worst Mayors (1820-1993)
Next, and seventh, is Cleveland’s Dennis Kucinich (1977-79). Only thirty-one years old when elected, Cleveland’s “boy” mayor had failings that were not the sins of venality or graft for personal gain, but rather matters of style, temperament, and bad judgment in office. Kucinich earned seventh place the hard way: by his abrasive, intemperate, and confrontational populist political style, which led to a disorderly and chaotic administration. He barely survived a recall vote just ten months into office, then disappeared for five weeks, reportedly recuperating from an ulcer. When he got back into the political fray, his demagogic rhetoric and slash-and-burn political style got him into serious trouble when he stubbornly refused to compromise and led Cleveland into financial default in late 1978
Excuse me, but Dennis Kucinich as a presidential hopeful? How outrageous a notion. This is the man, the mayor, who brought Cleveland to its knees financially. Under his “leadership,” the city went into default. We were broke by the time George Voinovich took over.
Voinovich brought the city back by working with corporate CEOs and visionaries in a consortium that helped bring renewed vibrancy to the city in terms of companies investing in real-estate development and manufacturing, revitalizing downtown after years of decline under Kucinich.
I can’t believe Kucinich’s constituents have been so gullible as to elect him for four terms as a congressman. What has he done for them – in Congress or as mayor?
Think back. The city had no money. Standard & Poors downgraded Cleveland’s bond rating during Kucinich’s outgoing year.
This man is to be considered to lead our great country? Get a grip, all you blue-collar workers and voters who cling to the hope that Kucinich is the answer. Forget it. He doesn’t know how to lead or to bolster an economy.
Laura Carrabine
Cleveland, Ohio
At lest Kucinich was elected with a majority of votes which is not the case for Bush.
John Cole
Two words.
Electoral College.
Real Attitude Problem
All the Kucinish sycophants are conveniently forgetting something —
Real Attitude Problem
Sorry about all the mistakes
This was takenfrom a post on Radio Left
which got concered a few days ago and I wanted to get it back on the net quickly)
I’ll proof read next time.
Real Attitude Problem
CENSORED not concered —
Dam spell check
The only reason the little trol is running for president is because (by his own admission) he is a failed congressman. This whole “campaign” is nothing more than a public relations pitch to enhance his name among the politically powerful. His modus operandi is obvious; focus on and attract those people who are so far out in left field (beyond the foul poll) so as to offer a corner of the political market to whichever democrat gets the nomination. Thankfully, in his desperate attempt to enhance his name nationally, he has diminished it locally and after the November 2004 congressional election his political career will have finally come to an end.
The only reason the little trol is running for president is because (by his own admission) he is a failed congressman. This whole “campaign” is nothing more than a public relations pitch to enhance his name among the politically powerful. His modus operandi is obvious; focus on and attract those people who are so far out in left field (beyond the foul poll) so as to offer a corner of the political market to whichever democrat gets the nomination. Thankfully, in his desperate attempt to enhance his name nationally, he has diminished it locally and after the November 2004 congressional election his political career will have finally come to an end.