From today’s Tapped:
Also, Mary Lynn F. Jones explains why we’re likely stuck at orange on the color-coded terror alert system for the near future. The government has put itself in a situation where none of the other colors are really an option anymore — and that renders the system just about meaningless.
From the NY Times:
The Bush administration on Thursday lowered the national terror alert from orange to yellow, suggesting the threat of an imminent terrorist attack on U.S. soil has eased somewhat.
The conclusion of the Muslim hajj holiday period played a role in the decision to lower the threat level from orange, the second-highest level on the five-part scale, Attorney General John Ashcroft and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a joint statement.
TAPPED also explains to us how we can just pick up our troops, go home from the Middle East, and declare victory in Iraq.
Quit giggling.
Is there any truth to the rumor that earlier this year, TAPPED merged staffing with that of the Horse? It’s getting so you can’t tell one from the other in terms of shrillness and near hysteria in writing styles.
John Cole
Never heard that, or if I did, I paid no attentiokn to it. I don’t read media whores. They are just shrill hacks.
the terror alert was lowered because it was too expensive to maintain (per local DC news); regarding the heavily armed patrols I suspect
Funny how the day after the terror alert level was lowered, we find out that our government has Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in custody.
Those two things couldn’t POSSIBLY be related!