In particular, the Euro-axis is alarmed at the consequences of a successful Iraq war on the broader Middle East. They are dismayed at the prospect of Israel being strengthened strategically, as they pointed out today in their press conference. They are terrified of Arab and Islamist militancy and are instinctually reluctant to confront rather than appease it. And they are equally concerned about the damage a war without U.N. support would do to their diplomatic leverage in the U.N. No new formula will change any of this. If I’m right, then the current neo-lib whining about the Bush team’s alleged incompetence is partisan hooey. Josh Marshall and Fred Kaplan, who both support a war, nevertheless complain about alleged Bush administration “incompetence.” It seems to me that both have to give some real reasons as to what the Bushies did wrong.
1.) Bush is stupid.
2.) Bush acts like a Cowboy.
3.) He withdrew from the ABM and Kyoto.
4.) When it comes to acting on the international scene, he does what he says he is going to do, violating the basics of international diplomacy and fragmenting the framework of the UN, which is:
“Talk often and hit the U.S. over the head with any stick, but don’t DO anything.”
Did I mention Bush is a cowboy?