No, Saddam Hussein was not directly responsible for the events of 9/11. But would you fools please quit pretending that SaddamHussein and terrorism have no connextion. Hussein, by definition and practice, is a terrorist. Here is simply some more evidence, not that any is needed:
Saddam Hussein has opened a training camp for Arab volunteers willing to carry out suicide bombings against U.S. forces in case they invade Iraq, Arab media and Iraqi dissidents said Tuesday.
The dissidents, speaking by telephone from Jordan, said scores of Arab volunteers have gone to a special camp run by the Iraqi intelligence service near the town of al-Khalis, 40 miles northeast of Baghdad.
Most of the volunteers are Islamic activists who belong to pan-Arab groups that maintain close ties with Saddam’s regime, the dissidents said on condition of anonymity.
Andrew Lazarus
I’m at a complete loss to see how this makes Saddam a terrorist. Were kamikazes terrorists?
Saddam, in my view, can’t be called a terrorist, since he is obviously a state actor and his wars on Kuwait and Iran were not terror. He certainly does support Palestinian terror groups. But training suicide anti-invasion troops? What, he should kiss us??
Jak King
The US has run a camp for terrorists for many many years. It has been featured on numerous mainstream news shows. But because the terrorists are ones supported by the US (like the Taliban and Saddam used to be) they are called “freedom fighters” or “militia” or whatever. Bloody hypocrites.
David Perron
Oh, it’s the blogroach who doesn’t know Jack. I’m sure Mr. Cole feels quite honored by this visit.