What with the oil fields taken and promised to be put under UN control, the Al Qaeda/Iraq link firmly established through the raids at the Ansar el-Islam base camps, some of the MAIN liberal Demorcat arguments against the war have already been ravaged. This was about terrorism, this is about liberating the IRaqi people, this is about WMD, and this is not about OIL.
Go peruse the websites of any lefty I am permalinked to and troll through the pre-war archives- with the notable exceptions of CalPundit and Yglesias, and look for their ridiculous assertions. Since opposition to this war is really about hating Bush and the ‘chickenhawks,’ they will conveniently dismiss all their previous arguments. Now their complaints will be focussed on excessive casualties (which we have not yet suffered- but just wait for the predictions), collateral damage (while failing to recall who is responsible for the human shields and the atrocities committed to date), and expect to hear this phrase, ove4r and over again:
“Sure- we won the war, but we lost the peace.” Any time there is any setback, and if post-war Iraq is not at least as peaceful and prosperous as New Jersey six months after the end of the war, this phrase will be repeated. Be prepared for it. On the upside- the phrase is just a bunch of words, and as the loony lefts arguments fall like the stack of cards that they are, that is all they really have left- words.
Newt Gingrich stated essentially the same thing just a few minutes ago on Hannity and Colmes. All they have left is the ‘lose the peace’ mantra. And they will do their best to make you believe we have, even if that is nonsense. Remember- keep your eye on election 2004, that is ALL they care about. Power.
Jim Henley
Hi John: When I follow the first link in this post I get redirected to – webcam babes. I assume that was not your intention, and that the camgirls are not in league with Al Qaeda?
John Cole
Hrmm- That is odd. IT was a findlaw link. I replaced it with a run of the mill AP link that is less informative.
Wait, those camps were in the Kurd controlled part of Iraq under the no-fly zone. So Saddam wasn’t really in with them. Still, having a countried divided up like that wasn’t a good idea. No we can unite them under the banner of a US-led government.
There’s plenty of evidence about regarding Saddam and Ansar al-Islam’s connection…