That the Palestinians don’t start rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Can these guys ever pick a winning team? Cripes:
While many in Iraq and around the world are celebrating the fall of Baghdad, there is sadness and anger among radical Palestinian groups. Radical Palestinians saw Sassam Hussein as a friend, ally and sponsor of their struggle.
Since the US-led attack on Iraq began, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have turned out to demonstrate against the war, holding pictures of Saddam Hussein.
Can we trust them to run a state? Isn’t one Syria enough?
Roger G.
What puzzles me is that people keep giving the Palestinians a pass by merely expressing disbelief that they backed the wrong horse. They did not just make a bad bet. They hate us and wish us ill! They celebrated 9/11 like it was the first day of their statehood. Their interests are inimical to ours. Their deepest joy would be first the destruction of Israel closely followed by the death of America.
They prey upon our good offices with the suffering they have brought upon themselves with their vicious terrorism. We have been played the fool by them in our sincere desire to bring peace to the Middle East. But they don
Barney Gumble
I know! Let’s concentrate those palestinians into camps, where they can be efficiently cremated. It will be a ‘Final Solution’!
Roger G.
Barney Gumble writes:
“I know! Let’s concentrate those Palestinians into camps, where they can be efficiently cremated. It will be a ‘Final Solution’!”
What makes you think that I am calling for the genocide of the Palestinians?
Is there is no way to talk accurately about the Palestinians without being called a Nazi?
My point is simple. The Palestinians don
Tiger Lily
Cole writes: Can we trust them to run a state?
That’s a bizarre (if not thoroughly patronizing) question, coming from an American halfway across the globe. Arafat is and always has been a painfully bad statesman, but most Palestinians are no less likely to be capable of enjoying the pride of sovereignty and self-sufficeincy than the average American.
There are plenty of times I wonder if roughly half of my American brethren can be trusted to protect and preserve the representative democracy we’ve got right here, much less be trusted to make similar determinations for a group of people living tens of thousands of miles away.