That is the April cover of the American Spectator, which I saw at Eschaton (who found this via Pandagon). I have to admit, I was pretty shocked. I do not think the staff at the American Spectator are racist (there is no doubt that blackface is racist)- I have not yet read the main article that the cover is supposed to draw attention to, so I will reserve judgement for the contents of the magazine.
What shocked me was that someone could be this stupid to put this racially divisive picture on the front of their magazine. And a conservative magazine, at that. They may have many fine and interesting arguments to make about the failures of affirmative action and multiculturalism- but will that get through the shock and awe created by this cover? I doubt it. All people will remember is the revulsion they felt when they were reminded of a pretty unpleasant part of our history- and that someone today is making comparisons to attempts to remedy those past injustices with the crimes and injustices themselves. If you are that stupid and insensitive that you do not realize what your cover is going to do to people- why would anyone bother to read what you have to say?
Looks like they have descended to the same ugly tricks as those used by the ultra-liberals; as you say, trying shock tactics! The extremists on both sides have lost what little credibility and acceptability they might have ever had before.
Shocked….No doubt blackface is racist…shocked…shock and awe…revulsion…stupid and insensitive…
Wow….you sure can read an awful lot into what looks like a still of Al Jolson in “The Jazz Singer”.
I can see their point, even if you can’t.
It seems to me that the goal of the whole concept of multiculturism is to, indeed, put a little color on the face of white students. Proponents of multiculti don’t argue, for example, that the benefits of such a philosophy are to expose “students of color” to the culture of WASPs, do they? No, what they seem to be saying (without really saying it) is that it’s the white students who benefit because look at how wonderful these other cultures are and it would be SO much better if you white folks were more like these (non-white) cultures. In other words, encouraging white children to put on a little black (or brown or whatever)-face.
And by your reckoning, I suppose Darrel Hammond is a racist because he portrayed Jesse Jackson a few times on SNL? Was Eddie Murphy a racist when he put on whiteface?
How’d they get that picture of Ted Danson at the Friar’s club? :)
I’d be interested in reading the justification for the cover. I’d almost wager it was a graphic designer’s idea who had no clue about the blackface being so repugnant.
Not going a long way to court the black community, though.
Dean Esmay
I must be one of the few who finds that cover appropriate, given the subject matter.
Because the subjects in question–“diversity” and “multiculuralism”–are code words for a philosophy every bit as offensive and denigrating as blackface.
I think they got what they were doing perfectly well, and did it on purpose.
Mind you, I’m not a big fan of the magazine, as I’ve written in the past. I’m just rather surprised by the negative reaction here.
The MultiCultis and “Diversity” mongers are racists, and their philosophy is a mockery of decency and humanity and egalitarianism. That’s the point. Or that’s how I see it, anyway.
Francis W. Porretto
If blackface is racist, is dressing in drag sexist? Is wearing a cheong-sam (for a caucasian woman) ethnicist? Is donning a gray wig and wrinkly makeup ageist?
It is insupportable that we should allow the cheapening of our political discourse in this fashion. Racism is a very strong allegation, and demands a very high standard of evidence — especially since it’s not a behavior, but a belief that must be inferred from behavior, a tricky procedure filled with traps and opportunities to exercise personal venom.
jayson blair
do you have any job openings at your website?
Randy Burke
Offering demeaning caracatures of other races is racist; but in the case of whites dressing up as black rappers, I believe they – the rappers – have brought this on themselves for being so inane.