Matthew Yglesias has been hammering the Bush adminstration lately regarding the budget, and he is half right. He is wrong about tax cuts, right about the lack of fiscal restraint. Today he seized upon a this gimmick by Frank Lautenberg:
Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, unveiled a mock credit card with President Bush’s picture on it, drawn on “The Bank of Our Children’s Future,” which was stamped as over its credit limit.
Matt says this is a great idea- he might want to pass it on to the GOP in California:
California Gov. Gray Davis unveiled an overhauled $96-billion budget on Wednesday that relies heavily on more borrowing paired with tax increases and spending cuts aimed at closing a record shortfall projected at $38 billion.
Davis, a Democrat, backed away from his earlier call for steeper tax increases and program cuts in the face of opposition in the Democrat-controlled legislature, choosing instead to borrow more and shift the burden to future years.
We couldn’t find ANYONE to beat Gray Davis?
Andrew Lazarus
Oh, you could, you could, but the California Republican Party is dominated by social conservatives. So after the primary, Davis (and Feinstein and Boxer) are likely to face the weakest candidate, since, frankly, social conservatives views on sex and drugs and rock and roll are in the minority here.
I just think it’s funny that Lautenberg had the nerve to appear on the Senate floor and pretend as if he hadn’t had a significant hand, as a 20 year member of the Senate, in the over-spending of this country.
Andrew Lazarus
Nick, we had a surplus under Clinton, remember? And Bush promised (heh!) to keep it. Over-spending? Or Bush plan?