Guess who said this:
Hillary Clinton is never going to be president of the United States. There is no more divisive figure in the Democratic Party, much less the country, than the former first lady. And I like her. But many women don’t. Even Democratic women. Even working women. Not to mention non-working, independent, non-political women. She can be a great senator. She’s smart, hard working and effective. She is much respected among her peers.
But the more people talk about her as a future president, the more money Republicans raise. The more people talk about her as a future president, the less attention the current candidates, who might win, receive.
And this, about Atrios’s hero Sydney Blumenthal:
If the issue is ethics, no one has less than Sidney Blumenthal. He used to call me, during the Dukakis campaign, which I was running and he was supposed to be covering, to offer covert advice, which if accepted might result in better coverage. Much later, when I criticized him, he tried to get me in trouble with my editors. All the while, I was defending his boss. That’s Sidney. He’s Hillary’s best friend. No wonder Republicans are delighted to see his return to the spotlight.
What member of the VRWC said this? Ann Coulter? Nope.
Rush Limbaugh? Nope.
Sean Hannity? Nope.
The WSJ editorial board? Nope.
Why, none other than Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich.
John, I think you need to create a “Democratic Honesty” category for moments of candor like this.
John Cole
I would have categories for Democrat and Republican honesty, but they would never get used.
Too true. (Pun intended.)
BF Durbin
Republican honesty – now there’s an oxymoron. One word – Nixon. Conservative philosophy: My country right or wrong. What’s wrong with that statement?
Dean Esmay
Wow. Nixon left office when I was 7. Can we get something more up to date than that, maybe?
By the way, I don’t know any “My country right or wrong” people, although I know plenty of conservatives.
Dean, the best way to deal with trolls is to let the sun turn them to stone :-)
BF Durbin
Matthew – I thought the conservative way to deal with trolls was to convince them that the poor people following behind were better to consume.
So “more up to date” is almost 20 years ago?