I was having trouble falling asleep, so I had the 2 am version of Hannity and Colmes on, and Colmes made one of the most blockheaded arguments I have heard in a long time. His argument (and I am paraphrasing- I will get the transcript up when it is posted- should be fun to see how close I get this quote):
“If we make an exception for Cuban refugees fleeing from their dictator, don’t we have to do the same for North Korea, Iran, Syria, and any other dictator? How will we apply this universal principle?”
Um, moron, as a nation, WE make our immigration policy. It doesn’t have to be based on universal principles, but should probably be metered with a fair dose of pragmatism. In other words, we can have any immigration policy we want. We could have an immigration policy that only allowed in one-eyed individuals fluent in six languages who can rub their belly and pat their head at the same time. I am not sure what sense that would make, but neither am I sure why you are incapable of understanding that we can make an exception for Cuban refugees.
Do these guys think? Ever? It is hard to make Hannity look quick on his toes, but Colmes sure was doing his best tonight.