How hard do you have to work to make me feel bad for Howell Raines and the NY Times? About this hard (if the Drudge snippets are to be believed):
by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Outrage
How hard do you have to work to make me feel bad for Howell Raines and the NY Times? About this hard (if the Drudge snippets are to be believed):
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Mmm, John, quick thought: would Libs actually still rally behind this ass?
John Cole
I don;t think anyone will rally around this punk- I can’t believe I felt bad for him before.
I think Media Minded summed up the sentiments on Jayson Blair pretty accurately. I can’t believe the guy is lashing out like this. Of course, since he basically has no career, what does it matter?
A friend and I were positing what kind of jobs he could get from here on out, and our conclusions were “pretty limited.” He’s basically banished from working in any kind of media-related career where “truth” is an issue.
All that’s left are back-room editing jobs and fiction writing (maybe ghost-writing for celeb biographies).
alfredo stroessner
If they are PC, they will HAVE to rally around this bowlfloater. He is an embarrassment to all Blacks who achieve success through hard work and study. I am sure Hoolywad will make him a hero and I won’t be surprised if Michael Moore hires him.