Kevin Drum asks the trillion dollar question:
Of course, Sullivan joins the chorus of those who say that they like tax cuts, honest they do, but what they really want is to cut spending. Fine. Let’s hear what you want to cut. And remember, for bonus points you have to include some programs that you yourself benefit from.)
So have at it, folks- post your cuts here and at Kevin’s site.
I’ll start with farm subsidies and anything involving ethanol, Amtrak (which I benefit from- I will have to drive to Chicago to visit my brother from now on, or fly), the Postal Service, the NEA (I donate to NPR- the rest of you bums should too), and the miscellaneous corporate welfare that take billions from the federal treasury. Add in all the ridiculous pork projects (Robert Byrd, anyone), and the silly outdated programs like the Mohair subsidies that we hear about frequently. I would be willing to hear debates on NASA. There you go, now add yours.
*** Update ***
The 2004 budget can be found here.
Andrew Lazarus
I’m OK with a lot on your list, John, but could you attach DOLLAR FIGURES so we could see if they make any real dent in the deficit. (The Postal Service isn’t even subsidized any more, is it?)
John Cole
Sure- I will dig em up, if need be. If I could get a line item budget that had everything on it, I would go through and just make my own budget up.
I am also leaning towards consolidation of the armed forces and a number of other things, raising the eligibility for Social security, means testing for SS, etc.. A 6 trillion dolar debt is obscene.
Troll King
Cut the budget. Sure.
First, give the president a line item veto through constitutional amendment to eliminate pork spending.
Then, he/she cuts the departments of Commerce, Education, and HHS, cut all agricultural and pretty much any other kind of subsidy, and dump any project with the name “Byrd” in it.
On the defense side, dump the Army and the Air Force — the Navy already has a better air force, and a better army known as the Marine Corps.
That’s just a start.
David Perron
I believe we already attempted the line-item veto bit. Unless we can get both major parties behind it, it’ll die another tragic death. And you can pretty much count out support from the pork states like Alaska, Hawaii, and the Robert C. Byrd Memorial Parking Lot.
David Perron
First, I’d cut out the entire farm income stabilization program. The administration costs are far in excess of any services provided. Threaten them with death or halving (or more) of admin costs, and see what they do. Net savings, half a billion to a billion and a half a year.
Cut out Americorps and SeniorCorps; there’s another billion or so.
Zero out the growth in legislative branch discretionary programs. There’s no reason this should grow faster than inflation. And really, the legislature should be just as accountable for their expenditures as we are. That’s six million dollars in discretionary money for each Congressman and Senator.
Oh, and let’s cut out the $22 billion in pork outlined by CAGW.
I don’t advocate cutting Amtrak entirely…just the non-profitable parts.
Hire some good people to run the U.S. Postal Service and provide financial incentives for cutting costs to the taxpayer.
Just a few ideas.
We could save 400 billion (more than the projected deficit) merely by repealing the 22% spoending increases passed the last two years.
All you neocons talking about ag. subsidy cuts is really funny. What is the single largest difference between Red states and Blue states? Why are Red states net tax importers? You got it: agriculture.
Try again. This time, let’s talk about tax cuts that can get thru a Republican house.
Andrew Lazarus
Dodd, you go repeal the defense increase and homeland security stuff. Good luck. Increases in discretionary non-defense spending is not a major contributor to the deficit. Revenue projections based on the 2001 tax cut and some as-yet-unreleased hallucinogen bear more of the blame.
Also, kudos to FDL for reminding us of the obvious.
1. Cut if not eliminate Amtrak funding
2. Raise the Social Security Age to 70(not now but at some future time)
3. Cut off future Medicaid payments for birthing costs and child support after 1 child. Eliminate same after 20 years (no I don’t want to get into any abortion question either)
4. Cut off any specific federal funding for programs that are not of national interest (mostly pork)
David Perron
I see. The rules are, we should propose cuts that could actually make it through the House, while not avoiding cuts that don’t affect the party? I’m drawing a blank, now.