One more reason to hate smelly hippy protestors- not only are they obnoxious, but they are expensive:
City agencies in San Francisco added up the costs of the war protests that disrupted the city in March and came up with more than $3.5 million in expenses and lost revenue.
I wonder if this figure includes the vandalism damage to private businesses?
(Via the BOTW)
*** Update ***
Full disclosure- I used to be one. I grew out of it.
Barney Gumble
1. Look around America, add up the sum total of everything.
2. Subtract all the damage caused by our protesting forefathers.
3. Everything left is profit.
I went out to observe several of the protests in NYC. I was appalled at the trail of detritus and wet garbage which these assholes left behind. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that most of these people would consider themselves to be “greens”.
David Perron
Ah, Barney now attempts to equate groups of street-defecating, vandalizing hippies with our forefathers. Yes, attempting to free your country from the yoke of oppressive imperial taxation policies is just exactly like voicing your displeasure by taking a dump on the sidewalk.
Forgive me if I don’t take you seriously, Barney. I’m willing to start when you’re willing to stop the silliness.
Barney prides himself on being a troll.
He was a troll at Bill Quick’s and Steve Verdon’s. under the previous, blogspot address. He got himself banned from both places.
I’m not sure he’s any different here.