Sorry- I am just tired of this shit. Democrats claim they never fight tough enough- that Republicans are mean and play dirty and Democrats are nice. Bullshit. Let them fool themselves, but don’t let them fool you. While moderate Democrats can pretend the rhetorical excesses of the loony left and the base of the party do not exist, they simply are living in a fantasyland. From the mindset that brought you the James Byrd dragging commercials, the DNC now proudly presents the latest in their line of fear appeals:
This charming flash macromedia cartoon is Bush creating his perfect Supreme Court Justice, a la Frankenstein. Here is the text for those of you without Flashplayers:
Aide: What is it Mr. President?
President Bush: I am creating the perfect Supreme Court Justice. A right wing extremist the likes of which have never been seen before. My justice will have the vision of Charles Pickering, the teeth of Priscilla Owen, the secrets of Miguel Estrada, the arms of Clarence Thomas, and the brain of Antonin Scalia.
Aide: And the heart?
President Bush: Heart? We don’t need no heart! We have everything we need. The Switch!
(The Bushenstein is brought to life and then shown, later that night attacking the Supreme Court building.)-
Bushenstein: Civil Liberties Bad!!!! Worker Protection!! Choice!! Environmental Protection!! Public Education Bad!!!
Voiceover: Don’t let George Bush reconstruct the Supreme Court. Let’s make sure the next justice has American vlaues, not right-wing values. Get involved now.
Those timid Democrats. Always picked upon. Next time they try to peddle their crap, tell them where to stick it.
I must say I am still chuckling silently to myself after watching that “movie”. It is so outrageously Bushophobic that it HAS to be satire…are you sure Frank J or Scrappleface didn’t really make it?
Honestly, it is SO bad it’s funny….
Barney Gumble
“Democrats claim they never fight tough enough- that Republicans are mean and play dirty and Democrats are nice. Bullshit.”
This timid flash is your best evidence of your proposition?
C’mon John-
One cheesy Flash animation does not an Arkansas Project make.
John Cole
This is the DNC- the official party.
And while it may be part of the day to day rhetoric of the loony left, I think that accusing people of intentionally attempting to damage the environment or eroding all civil liberties is quite a harsh accusation. The only comparison would be if the RNC ran a flash commercial with all the bogeymen the right plays with: let’s call it Daschlestein.
Democrats want SPECIAL RIGHTS for minorities- including your job!
Democrats want to bankrupt all businesses with taxes to give to the unemployed!
Democrats want to dismantle the military and make us a serf to Communist China!
IF the Republican party made claims like that, regardless of the medium, I would denouce it loudly. When the Republicans do something wrong, I jump on them with both feet and hammer them. When Democrats do onbnoxious shit like this, the so-called moderate Democrats say ‘Gee- it really isn’t that bad’ or ‘We are just trying to fight tough like Republicans.’
Horseshit. This kind of nonsense poisons the dialog, and the Democrats manage to just explain the ill behavior away.
What worker protections have been eroded by this administration? Has Bush not signed every extension of unemployments benefits and every other like bill suggested?
What environmental laws have been blatantly scrapped? There may have been modest rollbacks here and there, as well as many ‘advances.’ All have been within the normal realm of political debate. Republicans feel one way, Democrats feel another way, but in no sense has this aministration been in favor of or attempted to engage in sweeping rollbacks of environmental regulations. They aren’t putting arsenic in water.
I could go on an on, but the excesses of the Democrats and their rhetoric just piss me off, and btw, it doesn’t play well in middle America. Go down the street one day and ask how many people think George Bush had anything to do with James Byrd’s death. Then show them the NAACP video. The nask how many people think the Democrats and their proxy the NAACP are nothing more than liars and political hacks.
Andrea Harris
“Wait! I was going to make capuccino!”
I couldn’t resist.
Barney Gumble
Ha ha, andrea, I think John better have a decaf.
Frankenstein: Love is the only thing that can save this poor creature. And I am going to convince him that he is loved, even at the cost of my own life. No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you, no matter how terribly I may scream, do not open this door or you will undo everything I have worked for. Do you understand? Do not open this door!
Inga: Yes, doctor.
Igor: Nice workin’ with ya.
Frankenstein: (calmly, but with increasing panic) Get me out. Let me out. Get me the hell out of here! What’s the matter with you people? I was joking! Don’t you know a joke when you hear one? Ha ha ha ha! Jesus Christ, get me outta here!
Open this goddamn door; I’ll kick your rotten heads in! Mommy!!
But, John, we knew NOTHING of what was happening here. In our name.
We simply toiled away, not actually aware of what our party leaders were doing. In our name.
We are innocent. Surely, you are not going to hold us responsible for what is being said and done. In our name?
Hmmm.. maybe the DNC should take a cue from their GOP counterparts, and instead of producing over-the-top attack ads themselves, discreetly fund sham “Concerned Citizens For..” groups to do the dirty work instead. Plausible deniability can be a great thing…
You don’t have to. Folks like the NAACP already do that. Seen the “Dubya is responsible for the Byrd lynching” video?
So that ad is really on the DNC website? Man, they are SO out of touch. That blows me away. They are so convinced that Republicans are evil. Unbelievable