Despite the fact that I am frequently (and IMHO erroneously) perceived as a right-wing, nazi, fascist, blind Bush-cabal, starve the poor, kill the elderly, bomb foreigners right-winger, I think I have a pretty liberal policy on comments. My policy, though unstated, is now on the record-
“Don’t be a total jerk.”
I actually believe that more speech is the cure for offensive speech. Having said that- be nice to the left wing commenters. If they disagree- that is called discussion. There is no reason to be overtly rude to people who have differences of opinion, on either side of the political spectrum. I absolutely do not want people to feel uncomfortable commenting, and if anyone is nothing but an unrepentant troll, I will deal with them. Other than that, argue with them- debate them. Show that you are right, and not just RIGHT, and engage them. But I don’t want people attacking people just because they do not adhere to the world view I have. If I did, I wouldn’t have comments. Plus- I am wrong a lot- and I don’t mind admitting it or acting on it. Neither should you.
In other words, be polite.
M. Scott Eiland
“In other words, be polite.”
A good policy in general, and one I try to follow. Admittedly, there are a few things that push my buttons, and which will cause me to go thermonuclear on the unfortunate soul who ventured where angels fear to tread. Sometimes I feel bad about it, if the person is someone I have known to be reasonable in the past, or if I feel that I went too far. It’s worthwhile to go back and read things you posted while angry when you’re in a calmer mood, and give them enough thought that the experience will be useful the next time you contemplate posting while imagining punting a certain irritating person’s head halfway to Mars. :-)
Sooth Sayer
Good policy and good practice. I have sinned in the past and will do better in the future. Thanks for the opportunity to vent steam here.
Tiger Lily
John Cole,
Neither here in your own house, nor on other blogs I’ve visited, have you ever come off as some kind of “right-wing, nazi, fascist, blind Bush-cabal, starve the poor, kill the elderly, bomb foreigners” hick–never.
And I’m a proud left-of-center citizen, so we don’t always agree.
Politics is enough to frustrate the best of us from time to time (right, left and center).
The Lonewacko Blog
You can see the level of abuse I was subjected to when discussing illegal immigration with a bunch of “liberals” here:
I think the thing to do is to just talk directly to the reader, responding to what few points are made by the idiots, but not talking to them directly.